What is Cybersecurity?

Over the holiday’s, Anthony and Trey sat down to have a conversation about cybersecurity and what it actually is. In a short transcribed video, they discuss the variety of topics. The conversation has been lightly edited. If you would like to watch the video instead you can view it here: https://youtu.be/BeiTYTX14tA

Anthony Cabral: It's a pretty big world out there for cybersecurity, but to break it down pretty simply, today, more and more businesses rely on data, whether it's emails, files or applications storing client data. Cyber security is the protecting of that data. So, think about living in your house and all the things you love and need are in your house, right? Data is the company's house. That's what it's built upon. That's where they're safe. It's just about securing that house. It's about putting locks on the doors, getting alarms in there, getting someone else to keep an eye on the house while you're gone because you're not protecting things and walking the perimeter of your property 24/7. It's about protecting that data to the best of your abilities and keeping people that aren't supposed to have access to it from having access to it.

Trey Hiller:
That's a really helpful analogy. I like the house one a lot, you might have touched on that just a little bit, but why is cybersecurity so important? I know that I've seen a lot of headlines of like, you know, hackers or getting into things more recently. So why is cybersecurity supposed or would like to be top of mind going forward?

Anthony Cabral:
So there's a couple reasons. One just from an ethical standpoint as a business owner, I want to do the best things for my employees and my clients and I want to protect their data and protect their well-being. Ethically speaking, it should be a top priority because everybody in the world is trying to take the easy route and gain some monetary compensation for other people's data, right? That's the easiest way. So, ethically speaking, I want to protect my clients. I want to protect my employees.

The quickest way to go out of business is having your data compromised, whether that's having your client data exfiltrated and then you just kind of lose your status and whatever your business community is and lose trust with your client base, right? If you lose client data, then you're monetarily responsible for that. A lot of statistics show that over 50% of companies go out of business after a major compromise, if they're not properly prepared. It's not just an ethical thing anymore either. It's really this could kill your business overnight in a matter of minutes. One mistake, one compromise. A major breach. Something like that could cost your business, right? Are you able to sustain through that. Now the biggest security is not physical security anymore, right? It's cyber security. That's the currency for the bad guys nowadays, even big criminal enterprises are going away from the old school type crimes and moving into this, this realm of cyber criminality.

Trey Hiller:
Well, that was really helpful for me, and you know, if you're watching this, you don't have a current cyber security plan or your unsure where you're at and what next steps are, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to help you set yourself up for success in 2024.

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Trey Hiller